The Tux Workshop

Use your XBOX for medical research:

Join the XBOX Linux team 33063

Please note that this site has no connection whatsoever with Microsoft Corporation, and trademarks are acknowledged. The information presented is to encourage the use of the Linux operating system and Open Source Software by modifying the XBOX games console.

This site does not condone or encourage the use of pirated or copied software.

If you want software for nothing, and legally, then take the jump and switch atleast one of your PCs (or XBOX) to Linux.

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XBOX Linux Links


Here are some of the links that you may find useful for getting Linux onto an XBOX using an XECUTER 2 (or XECUTOR 2):

Books and stuff brought to you in association with

(Reviews coming soon!)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux (2nd ed) Hacking Linux Exposed Opening the XBOX
XBOX: Blow the lid off!
Sams Teach Yourself Mandrake Linux in 24h
Sams Teach Yourself Linux in 10 Minutes Aluminum Case for your XBOX Red Hat Linux All-in-One Desk Reference...
Learning Debian Gnu/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux Bible Debian<sup>TM</sup> GNU/Linux® For Dummies®
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Unleashed
XBOX Bundle Pack - Whoohoo!
Red Hat Linux 8 Bible Red Hat Linux 8 Unleashed

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