The Tux Workshop

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XBOX Tux Workshop


Thanks for dropping by! These pages will show you (with the help of Tux) how to fit a modchip (in this case an Xecuter2) to an XBOX (known as “chipping the XBOX”). Our use of a modchip is to allow Tux and his friends to run Linux, but your use may be to play legal backups of your own software. This page contains thumbnail images that you can click on to see the larger version. Use the arrows on the top of the Tux Closeup pages to see the next or previous photo or return back to this XBOX Tux Workshop page.

Tux posing on a Post-August 02 XBOX (v1.1) with Xecuter2 modchip...

Tux places XBOX on a towel to stop it slipping around and getting scratched....

Tux finds two hidden screws under the stickers...

Tux prises off the four rubber feet to reveal four more screws - he removes all with a Torx T20 bit...

Tux poses with the six incredibly long screws...

Tux flips the XBOX back over and lifts the lid...

Tux looks at the innards of the XBOX...

Tux selects a Torx T10 bit for all the remaining screws...

Tux shows one of the two screws on the front and either side of the DVD-Rom Drive...

Tux removes the first DVD-Rom Drive screw...

....and the second DVD-Rom Drive Screw...

Tux then carefully lifts and pulls forward the whole DVD and Hard Disk assembly...

Tux wiggles out the power connector from the Hard Disk...

....and pulls out the power connector from the DVD-Rom Drive...

Tux then un-plugs the flat grey IDE cable from the motherboard..

Tux poses with the removed DVD-Rom and Hard Drive assembly under his wing...

Tux peers at the motherboard..

Tux shows the eleven screws that secure the motherboard..

...Screw 1...

...Screw 2...

...Screw 3...

...Screw 4...

...Screw 5...

...Screw 6...(only five more to go now..)...

...Screw 7...

...Screw 8...

...Screw 9...

...Screw 10...(on the video connector)...

And finally, Screw 11...(on the video connector)...

...phew, Tux takes a rest...hard work for a penguin...

Tux removes the fan connector...

Tux removes the "Brazilian Flag" connector near the front...

Tux wiggles off the large motherboard power cable...

Tux takes off the little yellow-cabled connector...

Tux takes off the "Technicolor Dreamcoat" connector...

Tux then pushes the motherboard up from the front to lift it out...

...and manages to lift it with each wing...

...whoops, looks like Tux is stuck...

Tux looks into a very empty xbox...

Tux looking very pleased with himself with the XBOX motherboard..

Tux examines the empty solder pads near the Nvidia chip...

Tux gets his soldering iron ready and unpacks the little Xecuter 2...

Instead of using the flying leads, Tux decides to use the supplied header pins, but has to pull out one of the pins with a wire cutter (because Mrs Tux is using the long-nose pliers)...

Tux places the shorter end of the header pins into the holes...

Note which end Tux has placed the header pins into... (nearest the white arrow printed on the xbox motherboard)

Tux tries to find the end of the sticky tape...

...and tapes the header pins in place just for now...

Tux flips over the motherboard and solders each of the header pins...

Tux removes the sticky tape and identifies the tiny hole into which the grey wire will be soldered into...

Tux isolates a single strand from the grey wire and cuts off the remaining strands, and tins the strand for soldering...

Using "helping hands" he struggles and solders the single strand into the incredibly small hole...(see alternative in Photo Gallery 2)

Tux makes use of some sticky tape to keep the grey wire secure, and plugs in the Xecuter2 onto the header pins and plugs in the connector for the grey wire...

Tux replaces the motherboard into the case, bends up the connector at the end of the black wire and screws it down...

Because this is a post-August (v1.1) XBOX, Tux removes the "Bios" jumper from the Xecuter2...

Tux then reassembles the the XBOX in the reverse order to how he pulled it apart, then visits http://xbox-linux.sour to get a picture of himself (and Linux) onto the XBOX...

Tux opens the xbox


Unscrewing the Motherboard


Connector Removals


Fitting the Xecuter 2


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